Orders & Payment
Q: How do I place an order?
A: To place an order, select the item(s) you wish to purchase and add them to your shopping cart. Then, proceed to the checkout page where you must provide your information and payment details. Please ensure that all your details are correct before clicking the "Pay now" button. If you need any assistance, you may contact us through Live Chat, Email, or Whatsapp.
Email: babywellness.sg@gmail.com Whatsapp: +65 9233 1893 (Message only)
Q: Is your website safe?
A: Yes, our website is safe. We are powered by Shopify, which is certified Level 1 PCI DSS, the highest level of security for payment processing.
Q: Do you have stock on hand?
A: Yes, most of the items listed on our website have stock on hand. Products available for pre-order will be indicated in the product title, such as "Onea Organic Baby Head to Toe Wash (Pre-order)".
Q: What happens if the product I ordered is out of stock?
A: If the product you ordered is out of stock, we will promptly inform you and offer you the option to replace your order with any other preferred choice(s). If you do not see something else you like, we are happy to refund the amount through your purchased method. While we strive to keep all information as updated as possible, there may be rare instances of such lapses. We apologize for any inconvenience and disappointment this may cause.
Q: Will the out-of-stock product be restocked?
A: Not all products will be restocked, as we may bring in new designs and models. However, you can add the items to your wishlist, and you will receive an email notification when they become available.
Q: How do I save a product to my wishlist?
A: If you have not decided to purchase the product, simply log into your account and click "Add to Wishlist," and it will be saved. Promotions regarding the product will be emailed to you. Guest wishlists will not be saved, and any promotions regarding the product will not be emailed.
Q: How do I apply a promo code?
A: Click the cart button and then click "Checkout." You will be taken to the information page, where you must provide your personal details and choose the shipping method. On the right-hand side, you will see the products you have ordered and the promo code section. Key in the promo code into the promo code section and click "Enter." The final amount will be shown.
Q: How do I use a gift card?
A: To use a gift card, click the "Cart" button, and then click "Checkout." On the checkout page, you will need to key in your personal details and choose the shipping method. On the right-hand side, you will see the products you have ordered, and the promo code section. Key in the gift card code into the section and click "Enter." The final amount will be shown.
Q: Can I cancel or change my order?
A: Once you have received an order confirmation, your order will be processed. Amendments or cancellations cannot be made once your order is confirmed. Please ensure that your orders are final before proceeding to checkout.
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: We accept Debit and Credit cards, Paypal, Paynow, and Bank Transfer. For orders made with Paynow and Bank Transfer, please contact us through Live Chat or Whatsapp and provide us with your order ID. Your order will only be confirmed after payment has been verified.
Q: What currencies are accepted?
A: The price is in SGD for most countries, except the United States, which is priced in USD.
Q: How long does Paynow and Bank Transfer Order take to verify?
A: We usually verify Paynow and Bank Transfer orders immediately. In some rare cases where we are unable to verify immediately, please allow up to 24 hours for confirmation of your order. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.